
12-13 March 2020SERENA HOTEL

Green Solutions in Cities

The Embassies of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda from the East African Community (EAC) together with the Swedish East African Chamber of Commerce (SWEACC) have for the past seven (7) years been organizing investment and business forums in Sweden and Africa. All forums are about business and investment growth between Sweden and East Africa and now for the eight (8) time we are coming to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Some of the focus has been on Energy and Sustainable business, Agribusiness and Value added Agricultural Products but now we focus on ICT and Medtech. This year’s topic in Tanzania is Green Solutions in Cities and will take place on 12th of March 2020 in Dar es Salaam.

This years conference is a partnership between the Swedish-East Africa Chamber of Commerce (SWEACC) together with East African Community Embassies accredited to the Nordics representing Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda. This year’s theme will be ”Green Solutions in Cities” with focus on sustainable business and investment opportunities in East Africa.  


09:00 Opening Ceremony

Speeches from our Guest of Honor Kassim Majaliwa, Prime Minister of Tanzania, Minister from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda along with the Swedish Ambassador to Tanzania.

10:30 Coffee break and B2B mingle and match-making

11:00 Urbanisation, challenges and opportunities.

We will hear from Mayors and Regional decision makers what opportunities and challenges we might face in urban hotspots in East Africa. That will be followed by a panel discussion; Swedish East Africa partnership opportunity.

12:00 Lunch and B2B mingle and match-making

13:30 What you should know when investing in Africa

This will be a special part focusing on what to think about when investing in East Africa, we will have representatives from the Global Law Firm DLA Piper, local investors but also H.E Angellah Kairuki, Minister of State Prime Minister’s Office and Responsible for Investment in Tanzania.

13:30 Break out sessions with special topics such as Green Energy, Waste & Water, Blue Economy, Sustainable Transport and Beyond Aid.

This part of the program will be followed be panel presentation where each break out sessions moderator report back to the whole group.

15:00 Coffee break and B2B mingle and match-making

15:30 Sustainable energy the door opener to the new Economy

We will hear speakers talking about new energy solutions and opportunities in Africa.

16:30 Building partners using the cluster model

This will be a part where we show good practises by partnership and network models to develop more business in East Africa. That part will also be followed by a panel discussion; Synergies Sweden/EAC.

17:30 Forum ends

19:00-21:00 The Forum day will end a dinner party, Tanzania Night at Serena Hotel.

It is almost all about match-making

The EAC Business & Investment Forum is focus on people meeting and business match-making. We will have many interesting speakers but the focus is match-making and to build new relationships. 

Tickets are for a 2 day program in Tanzania, reserve 13th for field visit

Beside the whole day of conference on March 12th and a dinner party in the evening, we will arrange a day of field visit in Tanzania on March 13th, 2020. The final program is yet to be confirmed but here is a pic from the EAC Business & Investment Forum 2019 in Sweden where we took the visiting delegation from East Africa to visit Scania and their test site in Södertälje. This was a great day to learn about sustainable solutions for fuel but also some fun as all visitor was allowed to test drive Scania trucks and buses.

Waste as an asset, how can we develop more renewable energy solutions?

Can Africa take the lead in clean energy? In many places in Africa waste is a problem but in Sweden for most government and many companies it is an asset. What new waste to energy and waste collection and management system can we see. What can Africa learn from Sweden and what can Sweden learn and develop in Africa. We had many delegations visiting us in Sweden but now we want to talk to more in Africa. This will be a topic for discussion and matchmaking. This picture was from when visitors from East Africa during EAC Business & Investment Forum 2019 visited a biogas production site in Southern Stockholm in Sweden. This was also part of our program in Sweden.

Sustainable Transport Solutions from Sweden

To build an economy you must have great infrastructure, part of infrastructure is transport but it has to be sustainable. In most countries in East Africa large cities in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda are working new ways for commuters to use sustainable solutions. Today it can be either public transport, walk, or bicycle. Traffic can be a problem and many Governments are looking for new Rapid Systems, but still sustainable of course. Real side sidewalks for pedestrians, special lanes for bicycle is not something we see alot of in Africa, special dedicated road for walking and bicycling so this can be risky in terms of road safety and today as well polluted air. Also, public transport today is unreliable and unsafe so many are looking for other solutions. 

This is something we know very well from Sweden and we can offer many solutions as some of the world’s best manufactures of trucks and buses are from Sweden. The picture here is from our sustainable transport breakout session during EAC Business & Investment Forum 2019 and this will be a topic for further discussion and matchmaking during our forum 2020.

Beyond Aid, creating new partnership for the future

SWEACC have since last year had an NGO cluster, next to other clusters within the Chamber. This picture is from one of our NGO cluster events in Stockholm, our member Hand in Hand are presenting their work and strategy in East Africa. For sure we can see East Africa growing strong as a marketplace but still many NGO and other Aid organizations are there to support small and larger project. How can NGO and these organizations work better together, in Sweden but also in Africa? How can companies work better with these organizations for best possible result, really move beyond aid in Africa? How can companies in general work and grow focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals? 

Moving from Aid to Trade will be an "hot" topic for discussion and matchmaking during our forum

Participants of EAC-BIF 2020

  1. Swedish and EAC Companies that offer or are interested in sustainable business
  2. Government representatives
  3. EAC Embassies accredited to Sweden
  4. Trade organisations
  5. Business Enterprises and Investors from the East African Community
  6. Business Councils

    The aim of the Forum is to promote successful investments and trade opportunities in green and sustainable based technologies/products for better livelihood. The forum will give an opportunity for business to business (B2B), Government to Government (G2G) and Government to Business (G2B) meetings to take place.

    Welcome to EAC Business & Investment Forum 2020Today we can find some 1,3 billion people living in the African Continent, 40% of them live in urban cities, by 2030 this figure will raise to 50% and by the year 2050 as many as 60%. This will create a lot of infrastructural challenges and same time create the need for sustainable solutions.

    The upcoming EAC Business & Investment Forum 2020 will have the theme; Green Solutions in Cities. We will discuss challenges but also sustainable solutions and new business opportunities for Swedish Companies in East Africa.  All business also needs to be financed and we have prepared a special block focusing on financing sustainable projects in Africa. Below you can see some pictures from the EAC Business & Investment Forum 2019 in Stockholm

    If you need more information, please contact us at

    All you need to know

    The EAC Business & Investment Forum is a partnership between SWEACC and the EAC Embassies in the Nordic Region. We work pro-bono to promote trade and investment between Sweden and East Africa as SWEACC are a non-profit organization in Sweden. This year’s event in Dar es Salaam is supported by the Government of Tanzania and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation who will facilitate the meeting. We will arrange this at SERENA HOTEL in Dar es Salaam.

    All private participants business institutions involved in this Forum are expected to cover their own participation costs. Organisers and Speaker are humbly requested to volunteer and work as partners in promoting business between EAC and Sweden.

    SERENA HOTEL has given an offer for Standard and Superior Rooms at USD 161.5 if you are a register visitor to the EAC BIF 2020. Please book by sending an email to Ms Comfort Irene Antony; Tel +255 786303021 at and please mention booking code "EAC-BIF 2020". The venue has meeting rooms with all needed facilities. It is convenient, and centrally located. On Arrival please ask for SERENA HOTEL airport shuttle if you are booked at SERENA HOTEL.

    Contact us for a list of other Hotels near Serena. If you need any further help or assistance, please inform us by e-mail Beside the actual event we will offer visitors a two-day program, more information about that will follow to all who register here.


    Please apply for your entry visa online 12 days before travelling to Tanzania. You can no longer apply at the Embassy of Tanzania in Sweden or pay visa fee to the Embassy. Online Visa applicants are advised to make their applications and pay visa fees through the Official Tanzania Immigration website ( ON... and Not through any other links. For application guidelines please visits you apply less than 12 days before departure please submit your application online, and you must call the Embassy +46 8 7322430/ or Visa Officer on +46 8 7322443 or send an email to: asking for your application to be processed urgently. If no Visa is issued after you have spoken to the Embassy until the departure date, please do not panic. Keep and bring the receipt and application number with you to Tanzania and show it at immigration.



    Kassim Majaliwa
    Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania

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    Innocent Lugha Bashungwa
    Minister of Industry and Trade, in Tanzania

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    Dr. Jeanne d´Arc Mujawamariya (TBC)
    Minister of Environment, Rwanda

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    Anders Sjöberg
    Ambassador of Sweden in Tanzania

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    Angellah Kairuki
    Minister of State Prime Minister’s Office and Responsible for Investment

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    Paul Koyi
    President of Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Trade

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    Palamagamba Kabudi
    Minister of Foreign Affairs and East Africa Cooperation Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Tanzania

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    Peter Mathuki
    Executive Director of the East African Business Council

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    Jan Furuvald
    Chairman, SWEACC

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    Christine Nkulikiyinka
    Ambassador of Rwanda to the Nordic Countries and Dean of the EAC Ambassadors to the Nordic Countries

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    Willibrod Slaa
    Ambassador of Tanzania to the Nordic Countries

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    Eng. Colette Ruhamya (TBC)
    Director General, Rwanda Environment Management Authority

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    Pudence Rubingisa (TBC)
    Mayor of the City of Kigali

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    Pontus Engström
    CEO and co-founder MTI Investment

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    Joachim Davidsson
    Head of Cluster SWEACC

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    Malin Cronqvist
    CEO Help to Help

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